Things you can learn from challah...

Many of the new things on my journey into Judaism have taken some work, while others have come naturally. Oddly, for me, learning to make challah (the twisted egg bread served on Erev Shabbat and other holidays) has been in the latter category. Still, challah has taught me some life lessons (with tongue glued to my cheek by dough)...

1. No matter how twisted your week has been, it can still have a golden lining. 

2. Sometimes, it can do you good to just punch the living daylight a out of some eggy flour. (Did I say that?)

3. Even the relatively poor can manage to have a fistful of dough once a week. 

4. A little bit of leavening can lift a whole lot of heaviness, so lighten up a little! 

5. Our work weeks may twist us up in knots, but every new year brings us full circle. 

6. We may rest on Shabbat, but on Friday's it's nice to be kneaded. 

7. After six bad "rye" jokes, Sabbath never tasted so sweet!

Shabbat Shalom, y'all!

Hebrew blessing of the day: baruk attah Adonai, Eloheinu Melek Ha-Olam, ha-motzi lechem min-ha-aretz

(Blessed are you, Eternal One, sovereign of all time and creation, who brings forth bread from the earth)


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