
Showing posts from September, 2018

Elul reflections 2: trusting God and going all-in

As I continue to prepare for a New Year, the Melekh Ha'Olam has been sending me a couple of messages that I am not especially comfortable with: trust me, and slow down. I'm having trouble with both of those, but I'm going to focus on the first one today. The "trust me" message has come from a couple of unusual sources of life-career-faith advice: the admissions professionals at the two AJR rabbinical schools.  There are, as it happens, two completely unrelated schools, one on the East Coast and one on the West, both named Academy of Jewish Religion, both experimenting with the radical idea of offering their entire catalog of courses online via teleconference to those of us poor souls who live in Middle America, far far away from any of the brick-and-mortar rabbinical schools. And so I, naturally, inquired into both of them. The admissions professionals from both places scheduled initial phone interviews with me just a few days after I inquired. And t...