Baruch attah
So it's time for the second in my series of things-I've-learned-about-being-Jewish, which I'm writing in summation of this two-year conversion journey, in preparation for my Bet Din, and as a way of getting thoughts clear in my head as I contemplate writing a book on my Journey Into Judaism. Last time, as you recall, I wrote about the Jewish relationship with belief. One of my rabbis suggested that I look into 12th-century Rabbi Moses ben Maimon's (aka Maimonides or "the Rambam") thirteen principles of Jewish faith (see a nice article on these principles by the excellent Jewish educators of My Jewish Learning at ). I had three thoughts about this: First: is there anything Maimonides didn't do? The man was a court physician, rabbi, scholar-philosopher, and writer of myriad books and commentaries that have stood the test of centuries – he gives me quite an inferiority comp...