Not Jewish yet, but I'm practicing
A Facebook friend of mine, a Unitarian Universalist minister at that, posted something a day ago asking people about intentional spiritual practices and how we are changed by them. This friend knew me back when I was a Seminary student, a fellow UU for part of that time and a Unitarian Considering Christ* for another part, and if he had asked me back then, at a time when I was devoting my career life to spirituality, about my intentional spiritual practice…well, he would have gotten little more than a blank stare for his effort. Me, set aside particular times in advance to…do what, exactly? Pray? Meditate? Play with rosary beads? The idea seemed not only impractical but laughable. And yet, at the same time, if you had asked me to describe myself spiritually back then? Words like adrift, unrooted, and unsettled come to mind. I was fraying at the edges with no center to hold. Fast forward the better part of a decade and I have left the D-I-Y religious paths of ...