A one-year Jew-niversary look back
Yesterday, Facebook reminded me that it was exactly one birthday ago that my nearly two-decade-long journey of religious self-discovery completely jumped the tracks. Ran off the road. Stalled out and seemed unlikely to recover its lost altitude. I had spent a dozen and a half years exploring every liberal fringe or offshoot of Christianity I could find. Quaker theology often seemed the best description of the God I was looking for, but Quaker practice only gave me tantalizing glimpses of that divinity. In all its beautiful simplicity, Quakerism was too austere, too DIY, too empty of the day-to-day (and holy day) trappings of religion to fit me and my family. Unitarian Universalism was a delightful playground for my mind at first, willing to let me ask any question I wanted and answer it however I wanted to (as long as my answers didn't make anybody feel excluded or sound too much like the religions other people were running away from), referencing ...